In this system, capital is increasingly amortized, with interest rates decreasing as a proportion of the progressively lower capital, so that in each period the joint share of capital and interest is identical to that of the rest of the periods.
It is a real contract aspayment is essential for the contract to exist and, from that moment, obligations for the borrower are generated. Some of these obligations are:
• Paying all the formalization costs.
• Paying the fees for the operation.
• Making the capital repayments within the agreed periods.
• Paying the interests within the agreed periods, así as well as the interests on arrears that can be generated by late payments.
In the French method, the capital amortized increases and the interests decrease in each instalment since the outstanding capital is lower. This way, the amount made up of capital and interests is the same in every period. Its formula is:
*a: constant instalments
Co: amount of the loan
n: number of periods
i: interest rate