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We are a group of students and professors, with extensive teaching experience, belonging to the university community of the University of León, in the areas of Financial Economics and Accounting (Finance) and Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Our main objective is to transfer knowledge from the University to society in general to improve financial education in different sectors:
We give information, training and advice to help make decisions b> to avoid unwanted investments or contracts and prevent fraud b> being totally independent from financial institutions and offering totally free financial consulting service
They are always eager to help!
What the people we work with say about us
Several courses have been given to children of Primary Education between 9 and 11 years in public and concerted schools in the city of León. The "Financial Education for Children" activity is developed through interaction games such as 'What are Banks' and 'What is the use of money' in order to train students about financial education. The participation of the children of all the schools has been intense and of great advantage.
In collaboration with the "Edufinet" Financial Education Project, a training program called "Your Money Never Sleeps" has been developed to bring knowledge of the financial and economic world to non-financial students. This activity tries to give a simple and practical vision of the financial world, to show the students of diverse degrees how the finances are present in their day to day and to give them an initial knowledge that gives them the necessary tools to make their own economic and financial decisions. The students express the appropriateness of the Extension Course requesting a greater number of hours for the next course.
The activity "Financial Education: How to improve your domestic economy?" aims to expand knowledge of finance in a sector vulnerable to abuse by financial institutions: the elderly. This activity has been developed in the city of León during 2016 and 2017, dealing with basic concepts of financial education to improve the domestic economy and explain relationships with financial institutions. The surveys conducted at the end of the sessions show a high interest on the part of this group in the topics discussed.
In collaboration with the "Edufinet" Financial Education Project, a training program called "Your Money Never Sleeps" has been developed to bring knowledge of the financial and economic world to non-financial students. This activity tries to give a simple and practical vision of the financial world, to show the students of diverse degrees how the finances are present in their day to day and to give them an initial knowledge that gives them the necessary tools to make their own economic and financial decisions. The students express the appropriateness of the Extension Course requesting a greater number of hours for the next course.
The activity "Financial Education: How to improve your domestic economy?" aims to expand knowledge of finance in a sector vulnerable to abuse by financial institutions: the elderly. This activity has been developed in the city of León during 2016 and 2017, dealing with basic concepts of financial education to improve the domestic economy and explain relationships with financial institutions. The surveys conducted at the end of the sessions show a high interest on the part of this group in the topics discussed.
These links will help you understand our workspace
Below you can find detailed information about the European Financial System and the latest topics in finance with effect on the EU citizens. We have elaborated a brief document for beginners and a much more detailed document for those who search for advanced knowledge on the current European financial framework. These resources have been developed in 2022 as part of a Jean Monnet Project called "The European Union context in Economic and Financial Education during the Secondary/Baccalaureate/VET studies" (EU-ECO-FIN) nested to EU-Bank. You can access the web site of EU-ECO-FIN ( to find much more resources devoted to learning Economy and Finance in Europe.
Our main objective is helping people with their financial matters. Here we are!